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Welcome to EurOPDX Data Portal

To optimise access and promote collaboration in the field of patient-derived xenograft models (PDX) research, the EurOPDX Research Infrastructure has developed the EurOPDX Data Portal. The portal integrates the distributed collection of PDX models established by research institutes, and in particular members of the EurOPDX Consortium (www.europdx.eu), with their clinical, molecular, and pharmacological annotations.

Free-of-charge access to models, and biobanking of your own models within this repository can be applied for through the EurOPDX Research Infrastructure Trans-national Access (TA) program.

For more information on this EU-funded call for access: https://www.europdx.eu/europdxri-ta

The EurOPDX Data Portal currently contains:

720 models, from

2 centres for:

3 cancer diagnoses